
Next to the striking of fire and the discovery of the wheel, the greatest triumph of what we call civilization was the domestication of the human male.

A 回答 (3件)

> どうも、最後の the domestication of the human male が何を言いたいのかよくわからなくて。


It would be a mistake to think of the American father as a loose collection of his various roles. To be sure, he is father, husband, escort, sexual partner, bill payer, game player, car driver, fire lighter, tire changer, handyman, house putterer, bicycle teacher, morals preacher, character builder, tuition provider, drink pourer, roast carver, meal ticket, insurance rack, Rock of Ages who was there before you were born and will provide for you after he is dead.
He may play all these roles and others too, but if he is any good he is not fragmented into them, the way the woman sometimes is. In all his roles he is still the quester, the fertility giver, the male principle. More than a father or husband, he is a man. If he is not male, then he is no one and nothing.
He has been quiet, patient, hard-working, long-enduring. But don't count on it. Don't push him. If you do, he will not strike back (that is not his way with women) but he may just walk out of the house and the bank job, leaving the womenfolk behind, and turn up in Tahiti to daub at canvas and spend his life in the sun. Human history, if you read it right, is the record of the efforts to tame Father. Next to the striking of fire and the discovery of the wheel, the greatest triumph of what we call civilization was the domestication of the human male. The job was not done wholly by the women. The male let himself in for it by his own vulnerability. I don't mean his sexual drive, because he could satisfy that more variously by being a roamer instead of a homer. I mean his drive to fatherhood-- the curious, intricate satisfaction of having your seed made blood and bone, and seeing your line preserved and extended. That is why the Old Testament is full of so many "begats."
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お礼日時:2018/06/07 11:06


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domestication はやはり動詞的に訳したほうがいいように思います。

お礼日時:2018/06/07 11:07

Next to ~に次いで

the striking of fire and 火をおこすことと
the discovery of the wheel, 車輪を発見すること

the greatest triumph of what we call civilization was

the domestication of the human male.

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これは、max lerner という人の famous quotes の1つのようなのですが、どうも、最後の the domestication of the human male が何を言いたいのかよくわからなくて。

お礼日時:2018/06/06 12:51
