

1 We can see Mt. Fuji from here on fine days.
Mt. Fuji (    )(    )(   ) from here on fine days.

2 Have they translated her novel into English?
(   ) her novel (    ) (   ) into English?

3 They are building a bridge over the river.
A Bridge (    ) (   ) (   ) over the river.

4 My classmates looked after the injured bird.
The injured bird was (    ) care (    ) (    ) my classmates.

5 November 14 is my son's birthday.
My son was (    ) (   ) November 14.

6 The news of his death made everybody surprised.
Everybody (    ) (    ) (    ) the news of his death.

7 They report that two men were injured in the accident.
It (    ) (    ) that two men were injured in the accident.

8 The result of the exam satisfied her.
She (    ) (    ) (    ) the result of the exam.

A 回答 (1件)

1 We can see Mt. Fuji from here on fine days.

Mt. Fuji (can)(be)(seen) from here on fine days.

2 Have they translated her novel into English?
(Has) her novel (been) (translated) into English?

3 They are building a bridge over the river.
A Bridge (is) (being) (built) over the river.

4 My classmates looked after the injured bird.
The injured bird was (taken) care (of) (by) my classmates.

5 November 14 is my son's birthday.
My son was (born) (on) November 14.

6 The news of his death made everybody surprised.
Everybody (was) (surprised) (at) the news of his death.

7 They report that two men were injured in the accident.
It (is) (reported) that two men were injured in the accident.

8 The result of the exam satisfied her.
She (was) (satisfied) (with) the result of the exam.
    • good
    • 3


お礼日時:2015/04/17 00:15
