

The following information will need to be e-mailed, faxed or sent via postal mail before an order can be processed:

1. A copy of your signed credit card (both sides)*
2. A copy of your personal identification card or driver's license*
3. The completed and hand-signed credit card authorization form below


Please initial and complete the following:
____ I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my local government agency to determine any applicable duties and taxes associated with my order, and the extent of those fees.
____ I understand that I will be responsible for all applicable duties and taxes upon delivery of my order.
____ I accept that if I refuse the delivery of my order, I authorize Running Warehouse to charge my credit card for the cost of the applicable duties and taxes, as well as the return delivery charges back to Running Warehouse.
____ I understand that I will be responsible for any return shipping costs associated with my order.
____If your order is being shipped to a hotel, it is necessary for you to assume all liability upon proof of delivery. Running Warehouse will not be responsible for lost or stolen packages.

I, ________________________, authorize 店の名前 to charge my credit card,______________________(last 4 digits of card), in the amount of $________ for the purchase of merchandise on Order #______________.

Credit Card Bank Name: ______________________________________________

Bank Address: _______________________________________________________

Bank Phone Number: _____________________

Billing Address: ______________________________________________________
*The billing address provided must match the address on file with the bank or credit company issuing the card.

Shipping Address:______________________________________________________
(if different than billing address)

___________________________________ _______________
Cardholder's signature Date


I, ________________________, authorize 店の名前 to charge my credit card,

の空白部分はなんと記入すればよいのでしょうか?またThe completed and hand-signed credit card authorization form belowと記入されているのでメールではなく、faxで送った方が良いという事でしょうか?


A 回答 (2件)

結論として、向こうのクレジット会社が本人確認したい(そのために売り手経由で本人確認している)という状況なので、クレジットカードの両面のコピーA4サイズと、パスポートなど名前がわかるもの(アルファベットがいいが、最悪、漢字のまま)A4一枚つけて、この承認フォームと一緒に FAX などで送り返す必要があります。

(e-mail は複製ができるので白黒コピーのFAXを推奨します。また郵送は時間かかりすぎるわりに意味が無い。)


Please initial and complete the following:
(以下に箇条書きの各項目には、文頭にあなたのイニシャル X.X を書いて)

____ I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my local government agency to determine any applicable duties and taxes associated with my order, and the extent of those fees.
____ I understand that I will be responsible for all applicable duties and taxes upon delivery of my order.
____ I accept that if I refuse the delivery of my order, I authorize Running Warehouse to charge my credit card for the cost of the applicable duties and taxes, as well as the return delivery charges back to Running Warehouse.
____ I understand that I will be responsible for any return shipping costs associated with my order.
____If your order is being shipped to a hotel, it is necessary for you to assume all liability upon proof of delivery. Running Warehouse will not be responsible for lost or stolen packages.

(ここは、私○○…カード上と同じローマ字表記…は店に末尾4桁が xxxx のクレジットカードに、$XX.XX を注文番号 #xxxxxx の購入のために引き落とすことを了承します)
I, ________________________, authorize 店の名前 to charge my credit card,______________________(last 4 digits of card), in the amount of $________ for the purchase of merchandise on Order #______________.

Credit Card Bank Name: ______________________________________________(issued in Japan …日本発行としか書かないで様子見)

Bank Address: _______________________________________________________(issued in Japan …日本発行としか書かないで様子見)

Bank Phone Number: _____________________(issued in Japan …日本発行としか書かないで様子見)

Billing Address: ______________________________________________________(注文時の送り先と同じ英語表記で)
*The billing address provided must match the address on file with the bank or credit company issuing the card.

Shipping Address:______________________________________________________(同上なので空欄)
(if different than billing address)

___________________________________ _______________(カード所有者の署名…カードの署名欄と同じ、漢字読めない人でもみたまんまとわかるように…、July ○, 2014)
Cardholder's signature Date    (念のため、外国人でも読めるように、ブロック体でローマ字表記でも名前を併記)
    • good
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I, とauthorizeの間は、自分の名前です。

自分のサインは手書きでし、スキャンをしてe-mail すればいいのではないでしょうか?

    • good
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お礼日時:2014/07/29 13:05
