

Some lament that recent Olympic Games are a far cry from the n oble origins of the Games some 30 centuries ago . But it turns out that the ancient Games were not as " noble " as some people want to believe . Here are three of the biggest Olympic Myths - and the truth about them .
The “ Olympic Spirit "
The Olympic ideal of friendly competition in an atmosphere of brotherhood and peace among nations is pure rubbish . It is a misinterpretation of the Olympic Truce , which began around the eighth century BC . and forbade all participating city - states from engaging in warfare before , during and after the original five - day festival.
But the motives of the ancients were practical rather than altruistic . They simply wanted the athletes and their fans to reach Olympia without becoming war casualties . The first Olympics themselves were “ war games . " For many Greeks one of the main purposes of the competition was to prepare men for battle . The long jump , the javelin throw and a foot race by armor - clad runners all had an eye towards war , not peace . And the most popular event was the pankration , a violent and bloody fight in which the only things forbidden were biting or gouging out an opponent 's eyes.
Winning doesn't matter
This lofty ideal was expressed by Baron de Coubertin in his most famous utterance . " The essential thing is not to have won but to have fought well . " But winning meant everything to the ancient Greeks . There were no awards for second and third place at the ancient Olympics . First place was the only place . Nor were contestants above cheating to achieve victory . Bribery was especially prominent . Wrestlers secretly oiled parts of their bodies to thwart an opponent 's grip . In the long - distance running events , the competitors raced around a short track that had tight corners for turning . It is believed that these were habitual points for cheating either by tripping an opponent or taking a shortcut.
The purity of amateurism
This is the gold medal myth . An Olympic win was a passport to fame and riches . Olympic winners from Athens were paid a cash equivalent of five years ' earnings for a workingman , and that did n't include other perks like a lifetime of free meals . It should come as no surprise , therefore , that the word " athlete " is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning " one who competes for a prize . " In fact , the idea of amateurism was invented by Baron de Coubertin . His amateur - only policy was a way of keeping athletes from lower social classes out of the Games . The organizers of the modern Games adopted this amateurism policy because they wanted to restrict competition to the leisured elite Only rich people could afford to compete.
Hence , today 's Games , frequently influenced by international politics , repeatedly tarnished by scandals involving performance - enhancing drugs , and often fought by professional or sponsored athletes , may not be very different from what original Olympic Games were . They did NOT symbolize peace , sportsmanship , or the amateur spirit .

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お礼日時:2017/01/10 04:11

