
Hi,I'm Bobby.Please call me Bob.I'm nineteen now.I was born and raised in Tokyo.
I used to live in Michigan but I was an elementaly school studnt at that time so I don't remember much about that and not good at speaking English.That's why I decided to take this English lesson to speak English fluently.
I'm studying Information Technology at university now.I'm not studying practical subjects yet but I wish I could someday aquire high skills.
I'm an indoor preson and I like surfing the Internet.These days I'm interested in reading blogs.Becase I can know a lot of interesting information which I could not get in the daily life.For example,about trip in foreign countries,investment,programming,books,etc.
Thank you.

A 回答 (2件)

Hi, I'm Bobby. Please call me Bob. I'm nineteen now.I was born in Tokyo.

When I was an elementary school student I llived in Michigan.

I was so young then that I don't remember much about that time and unfortunately I am not good at speaking English.

That's why I decided to take this English lesson to speak English fluently.

I'm studying Information Technology at an university now.

I've not studied practical subjects yet but I wish I could someday acquire high skills.

I'm an indoor person and I like surfing on the Internet.

These days I'm interested in reading blogs.

Because I can get a lot of interesting information which I could not get in daily life; foreign travel, investment, programming, books, etc.

Thank you.  

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話の流れとしては、raised in Tokyoとあるのでミシガンに小学生の時何年くらいいたことがあるけど、ってしたほうが良いかも。

I can know→I can get
high skills →higher skills
あたりは直してもよいかも。 あと、文法的には細かいことは、いくつかあるが(単数、複数の問題など)、口語なら問題ないことも多いし、おいらもテキトーなんで、、、
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