
Load GPU EZ OC Setting
Use this item to load GPU EZ overclocking setting. Please note that
overclocking may cause damage to your GPU and motherboard. It should
be done at your own risk and expense.

CPU Ratio Setting
Use this item to change the ratio value of this motherboard.

GT Over Clock
Use this to enable or disable GT Over Clock by Internal Graphics
Device. The default value is [Disabled].

Intel SpeedStep Technology
Intel SpeedStep technology is Intel’s new power saving technology. Processor
can switch between multiple frequency and voltage points to enable
power savings. The default value is [Enabled]. Confi guration options:
[Enabled] and [Disabled]. If you install Windows® VistaTM / 7 and want to
enable this function, please set this item to [Enabled]. This item will be hidden
if the current CPU does not support Intel SpeedStep technology.
Please note that enabling this function may reduce CPU voltage and lead to system
stability or compatibility issue with some power supplies. Please set this item to
[Disable] if above issue occurs.

Intel Turbo Boost Technology
Use this item to enable or disable Intel Turbo Boost Technology. Turbo
Boost allows processor cores to run faster than marked frequency in
specifi c condition. The default value is [Enabled].

Turbo Boost Power Limit
Use this item to adjust Turbo Boost power limit. Confi guration options: [Auto]
and [Manual]. The default value is [Auto].

Core Current Limit
Use this item to add voltage when CPU is in Turbo mode.

Low MMIO Align
Low MMIO resources align at 64MB/1024MB. The default value is [64MB].

Use this to enable or disable Intel® VT-d technology (Intel® Virtualization
Technology for Directed I/O). The default value of this feature is [Disabled].

Primary Graphics Adapter
This allows you to select the boot graphic adapter priority. Confi guration
options: [Onboard] and [PCI Express]. The default value is [PCI Express].

Onboard VGA Share Memory
This allows you to set onboard VGA share memory feature. The default
value is [Auto]. Confi guration options: [Auto], [32MB], [64MB], [128MB],
[256MB] and [512MB].

Render Standby
Use this to enable or disable Render Standby by Internal Graphics Device.
The default value is [Enabled].

IGD Multi-Monitor
Use this to enable or disable IGD Multi-Monitor by Internal Graphics
Device. The default value is [Disabled].

DVMT Mode Select
Use this option to adjust DVMT mode. The default value is [DVMT Mode].
DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology) is an architecture that offers
breakthrough performance for the motherboard through effi cient memory
utilization. In DVMT mode, the graphics driver allocates memory asneeded for running graphics applications and is cooperatively using this
memory with other system components. This item will not be used under
Windows® VistaTM / 7 OS because the driver will intelligently detect
physical memory available and allocate necessary video memory.

DVMT Memory
You are allowed to adjust the shared memory size in this item.
Configuration options: [128MB], [256MB] and [Maximum]. The option
[Maximum] only appears when you adopt the memory module with
1024MB or above.


A 回答 (1件)

英語文章ではなく、PC から使用ユーザへの警告です。


ノートPC のオンボードVGA のOC は、危険を伴います。
最悪二度とPC は、起動しなくなり…ゴミ箱行きです。

前半は、OC を行うには、チップセットメーカから修正プログラム
をダウンロードしなければいけない…自分 (PC は) 持ってないと

中盤は、ダウンロードした修正プログラムをPC に適用させてから、
OC を行い…行うと自動設定出来なくなるので、PC を起動させる
為にBIOS 画面から全ての項目を任意で設定し直すようにとの事です。

    • good
    • 0
