




A 回答 (2件)



That is why I would like to make her wish come true even just for once as compensation for her pains.
⇒ That is why I would like to make her wish come true even just for once as compensation for her pains before I die.

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My wife has neither of her parents. Her father went missing when she was about two years old and her mother passed away at the age of 46 due to the disease called systemic lupus erythematosus when she was 19 years old.

Her uncles and aunts stripped her of all her inherited fortune such as her mother's life insurance money and her house. She left her hometown with no money and moved to Kanagawa Prefecture, where she met me.
She has never returned to her hometown for 21 years since she was 19 years old. She hopes to pay a visit to her hometown with all her family and visit the grave of her mother and her grandmother.
My life has had many ups and downs and I have caused her a lot of grief and anxiety. That is why I would like to make her wish come true even just for once as compensation for her pains.
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ありがとうございました!!!!! 見ず知らずの者に貴重な時間を割いてまで訳していただき、感謝・感謝の思いで胸がいっぱいです。

お礼日時:2013/03/02 06:00
