
I'm traveling to kyoto next spring.
I don't speak japanese. I don't know exactly what places I am traveling to yet...
I hope you can answer some for me. Thanks in advance!

A 回答 (1件)

You may face to language problem.

One of the idea is to use tours in English.
http://kyoto.travel/en/planyourvisit/experiencet …
Some taxi drivers speak English, too.
Arrange taxi tour is the second idea. (This may cost a lot)

In my opinion, most of Japanese cannot speak foreign languages
that means except Japanese, but Kyoto is the second possible city
to communicate in English behind Tokyo.

People working in travel industry may speak at least a little English.
If he/she cannot understand what you are talking about,
he/she will bring other person who speaks better.

Most of signs in city is written in English, and you may have
brochures written in English at your hotel or Tourist Office.

After experiencing a tour, you may have places to go again
with longer time, so why don't you go by yourself there?
    • good
    • 0

Thank you for your quick and polite response!

お礼日時:2016/10/11 16:47
