
日本に居て、Bank of America の銀行口座を解約したいのですが、電話での手続きは会話の問題があり心配です。電話以外の一番手っ取り早い方法をご存知でしたらご教示頂けましたら幸いです。

A 回答 (1件)


Closing a checking or savings account
Visit a local financial center to speak with a personal banker
Call us at 800.432.1000
Submit your request in writing to Bank of America, FL1-300-01-29, PO Box 25118, Tampa, FL 33622-5118. Be sure to have all account owners sign the letter and tell us how you would like to receive your balance, if any.

Closing a credit card account
Visit a local financial center to speak with a personal banker
Call us at 800.732.9194
Submit your request in writing to Bank of America, PO Box 982234, El Paso, TX 79998-2234

Closing an IRA or CD account
Visit a local financial center to speak with a personal banker
Call us at 888.827.1812
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お礼日時:2017/05/18 19:42

