
Please teach me how do you say something to be in English? Hi, Everyone. Although in English the contenders who are good at striking are called strikers, those who are good at grappling are called grapplers and those who are good at striking and grappling are called well-rounded contenders/fighters in mixed martial arts, how do you say martial arts such as wrestling, judo, jujitsu, sambo and it such as boxing, kick-boxing, karate in English, that is to say, in America?


  • how do you say martial arts such as wrestling, jujitsu, judo and sambo and it such as boxing, kick-boxing and karate to be in American English?

      補足日時:2018/12/26 19:28
  • I think that “ K-1” may be the event or brand or group of a Japanese company. Do you say martial arts such as boxing, kick-boxing, karate to be striking martial arts or martial arts for striking in American English?

      補足日時:2018/12/28 07:04
  • I’m sorry that the below URL is not written what two words I wanna know about at.

      補足日時:2018/12/28 17:58
  • Although I am not convinced of all the answers yet,thank y’all for answering my questions.

      補足日時:2018/12/31 11:08

A 回答 (3件)

We can call the event "mixed martial arts".

If you need a japanese commentary, shown below might help you.
https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/%E7%B7%8F%E5%90%8 …
    • good
    • 1

I maybe wrong but is it called K-1?

    • good
    • 0
    • good
    • 1

I’m sorry but because the site which you introduced to me was written with the very long and difficult expressions and sentences, I have no idea where what words or expressions I wanna know is. I’m sorry that because I’m a Japanese and I’m very bad at understanding English, if you will teach me the two words in American English, would you please teach me what the two words I wanna know by using much easier words in American English than by using the site with the very difficult and long expressions and sentences, which you introduced to me.

お礼日時:2018/12/27 17:08
