“Hallo, Eeyore,” they called out cheerfully.
“Ah!” said Eeyore. “Lost your way?”
“We just came to see you,” said Piglet. “And to see how your house was. Look, Pooh, it's still standing!”
“I know,” said Eeyore. “Very odd. Somebody ought to have come down and pushed it over.”
“We wondered whether the wind would blow it down,” said Pooh.
“Ah, that's why nobody's bothered, I suppose. I thought perhaps they'd forgotten.”
“Well, we're very glad to see you, Eeyore, and now we're going on to see Owl.”
“That's right. You'll like Owl. He flew past a day or two ago and noticed me. He didn't actually say anything, mind you, but he knew it was me. Very friendly of him, I thought. Encouraging.”
Pooh and Piglet shuffled about a little and said, “Well, good-bye, Eeyore” as lingeringly as they could, but they had a long way to go, and wanted to be getting on.
“Good-bye,” said Eeyore. “Mind you don't get blown away, little Piglet. You'd be missed. People would say 'Where's little Piglet been blown to?'-really wanting to know. Well, good-bye. And thank you for happening to pass me.”
“Good-bye,” said Pooh and Piglet for the last time, and they pushed on to Owl's house.
The House at Pooh Cornerからですが、イーヨーは, “That's right. You'll like Owl. He flew past a day or two ago and noticed me. He didn't actually say anything, mind you, but he knew it was me. Very friendly of him, I thought. Encouraging.”と言いました。これは皮肉ですが? イーヨーは、オウルが彼を無視したことに怒っていて、あえて「彼はとても親切だ」といったのですか?
https://literature.stackexchange.com/questions/2 …
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make me bright ってどういう意...
say to 人
"Shiver me timbers!"の意味と...
You have been special to
[be kind of]と[be kind to]の違い
a friend of mine. mineがmeで...
"Don't let me down!"において...
何かをもらうときに、「please ...
you've got a friend in meの意味
"what is left of"の解釈の仕方...
give it to me と give me it
please allow me tell 表現力に...
let me be
[be kind of]と[be kind to]の違い
say to 人
a friend of mine. mineがmeで...
"Shiver me timbers!"の意味と...
give it to me と give me it
make me bright ってどういう意...
なぜ insist on me to solveが...
you've got a friend in meの意味
bring it back/give it back/ge...
"what is left of"の解釈の仕方...
good to see you.の返事がyou t...
「Will you help me?」 「Can y...
Kiss meとGive me a kissの違い
take me out と get me out
私は私 英語について
Believe in me の意味って 私を...