

(1) 君がこの会社を辞めることに決めた理由を知りたいな。
[decided / I'd /know / leave/ like to /the reason / to / which / you] this company.

(2) 北海道で生まれた僕のお母さんは暑いのが苦手なんです。
[born/ hates/ in Hokkaido / my mother/ the heat /was ].

(3) 試験の点数が良かったので、両親は喜んだ。
[good / my parents / my score / on / pleased / the test / was ].


(1) 君があの先生に失礼なことを言ったことが,この計画をめちゃくちゃにしたんだ。
What you said a rude thing to that teacher spoiled this plan.

(2) さらに注目すべき点ですが,この選手が実は足を痛めていたのです。
That is more remarkable is that this player really had a leg injury.

(3) その生徒は高校を留年しなければならなかったが,そのことが両親をがっかりさせた。
The student had to repeat the same year in high school, that disappointed his parents.

(4) あなたの興味のある教科で精一杯努力すればいいのです。
You only have to make efforts in the subject to which you are interested.

(5) 昨日晩御飯を食べたレストランに, どうやら財布を忘れてきたようた。It seems that I left my wallet at the restaurant to which I ate dinner yesterday.


A 回答 (1件)

I’d like to know the reason for which you decided to leave this company.

My mother, who was born in Hokkaido, hates the heat.
My parents were pleased my score on the test was good.

That you said a rude thing to that teacher spoiled this plan.
What is more remarkable is that this player really had a leg injury.
The student had to repeat the same year in high school, which disappointed his parents.
It seems that I left my wallet at the restaurant at which I ate dinner yesterday.
    • good
    • 0

