

I am the opinion that making a video as an art can help to solve the issues caused by recent natural disasters.
There are two reasons for this.
The first one is that making a video documenting the process from disaster to recovery is the best way to tell the situation of the disaster-hit area to many people. Therefore, a lot of people would support the area.
The second one is that the video will helpful record for future generations.
When a similar disaster will happen again someday, people can learn a way how to recover from the video.
In conclusion, I am the opinion that making a video as an art can help to solve the issues caused by recent natural disasters.

A 回答 (5件)

I am the opinion...

--->>>「人間=意見」は論理的に成立しません。ネットにはこの表現が多数見られますが、英語ネイティブはこんな表現は使わないでしょう。"I am of the opinion..."または"I have the opinion"などに変えましょう。

The first one --->>> First,
The second one --->> Second,

The first one is that making a video documenting the process from disaster to recovery is the best way to tell the situation of the disaster-hit area to many people. Therefore, a lot of people would support the area.
--->>>First, documenting, through video, the process from the onset of a disaster till sufferers' recovery will be the best way to let many people in other areas to know about the situation in the disaster-hit area.

The second one is that the video will helpful record for future generations.
When a similar disaster will happen again someday, people can learn a way how to recover from the video.
--->>>Second, the video will be helpful for future generations. Should similar disasters take place somewhere in Japan in the future, sufferers will be able to recover from the disaster rather quickly if they learn, with the video, how to protect themselves from disasters in advance.

In conclusion, I am the opinion that making a video as an art can help to solve the issues caused by recent natural disasters.
--->>>In conclusion, I am of the opinion that documenting disaster events through video can help solve a variety of problems that might be caused by natural disasters.
    • good
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お礼日時:2020/08/06 10:37

No. 4の補足

> I am the opinion that making a video as an art can help to solve the issues caused by recent natural disasters.
> There are two reasons for this.

In my view, documenting disaster events through video can help solve various problmes that might be invited by natural disasters. The rationales for my view are as follows:
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2020/08/06 10:36


I am the opinion ×
as an arto??? 何のことかわからない。
the issue ??? 何のことかわからない the???? どの?
There are two reasons なぜ reason なの? opinion に理由が必要?
making a video to record the entire process of recovery from the disaster
the best way??? best なの? なぜ?
support the area??? 地域を支援するってこと?英語でそう書くかなぁ?
the video will helpful x
the video may become useful for many generations... かなぁー
someday は不要
recover from the video??? recover from the disaster ですからねぇ。文の配置というか順番というか???
    • good
    • 1

I am the opinion

I am of the opinion だったらまだいいかな。

as an art この考え方本文で一つも説明されていないので、省くべきかもしれません。というか、これが本題なら、本文の内容がマッチしていないということになります。
recent に限定ですか?
disaster to recovery disasterもプロセスの一環なんですか?
Therefore というほど、前文との因果関係があるように思えません。
disaster will happen again someday, will が入ると、なにかおかしい
a way 一つだけですか?
how to  waysあればhowいりません。
recover from the video. videoからリカバーするかと思っちゃいました。 何からリカバーするのか明示するか、by the videoとするかすれば、わかりやすいです。
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2020/08/06 10:37

I have an opinion that....

I agree with the opinion that....
I am for the opinion that...
I believe that....
I am the opinion
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2020/08/05 15:22

