


結論としては、"broad minded"が、例えばLGBT問題などに対して「たんに耳を傾ける」だけでなく、「あるがままに受け入れる」というような包容力があることを意味するのに対して、"open minded"は反対意見などを頭ごなしに拒否したり否定したりするのではなく、「耳を傾ける」だけの心の広さがあるということになるようです。


"broad minded"は"formal"な表現であるのに対して"open minded"は"casual"な表現であるという説[この説はどうも疑わしい]:
 Basically they both mean the same thing but broad-minded is a more intelligent or formal way to say it where as open-minded is more casual and something you would say to a friend or child because it’s easier to understand
 (They mean you are free to learning or hearing new thing without judgement)


What is the difference between 'open-minded' and 'broad-minded'?
 To be open minded, in my opinion, is to be open to new ideas. So, you understand that anything (that you may currently believe to be true) can be challenged by a different perspective or idea that someone tells you about. So, your mind is not set in stone.
To be broad minded is a term often used to describe someone who is not freaked out by strange and unusual behaviours or looks. Alternatively, someone who looks at things from various perspectives. For example: Sexuality and gender. Some people may have fixed views about this, saying there are men and there are women, you are one or the other, no exceptions. I call them black and white minds, meaning it is either good or bad, right or wrong, no grey areas. A broad minded person will be ‘open minded' enough to learn about all the grey areas in between, from people born with male and female sex organs (hermaphrodites), to people who feel they were born into the wrong sex, to girls or are just tomboyish, or guys who act feminine but who are straight, and to people who are attracted to their own sex, or people who don't have sexual feelings at all, plus a multitude of other ‘differences'.
Life is full of grey areas. Be open and broad minded enough that you can see all the different shades, and always be open to new ideas and learning something new.
We should be learning all our lives, right up to “oh, so this is what dying feels like".
https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-bet …

have/keep an open mind PHRASE
 to be willing to listen to other people’s opinions about someone or something
open-minded ADJECTIVE
 willing to consider new ideas
broad-minded ADJECTIVE
 willing to accept many different types of behaviour and not easily shocked
 https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-ca …

 The dictionary meaning of Broad-minded is “being tolerant or liberal in one’s views and reactions”.
 Open-minded is the attitude to accept changes as they are without considering their being bad or good for anyone.
https://ajournalistreveals.com/orthodox-vs-conse …


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