

The key to creativity is to not get stuck on the first idea.

The act of writing down ideas means that you are being selective, which is why you don't get many ideas.

Sending out everything you think is the key to being creative.

I think that by being exposed to a lot of information,you will be able to connect to it and think about it,which will lead to mass production of more ideas.

⑤ 視覚から得た情報はアイデアの量産に繋がるのではないか
I think the information we get from our eyes can lead to mass production of ideas.

⑥ 例えば、考える場所を変えたり、身の回りにある物に注目してみるのはどうだろうか?
For example, how about changing the place where you think, or focusing on the things around you?

⑦ それらから得たキーワードを組み合わせれば、より多くのアイデアになるのではないだろうか
If we combine the keywords from them, we can get more ideas.

A 回答 (1件)

>The key to creativity is to not get stuck on the first idea.

not to get stuck ...

>The act of writing down ideas means that you are being selective, which is why you don't get many ideas.
you are being selective文法的間違いではないが、"you are selective"の現在進行形の文体に見える。that you areはいらない。
The act of writing down ideas means being selective, which is why you don't get many ideas.

>Sending out everything you think is the key to being creative.
send outは句動詞で案内状等を一斉に送るという意味が強い。
Speaking outの様な他の言葉を選んだほうがよい。

>I think that by being exposed to a lot of information, you will be able to connect to it and think about it, which will lead to mass production of more ideas.
by being exposed toと前置詞句にすると誰が/何がの部分が抜けるので、byを省略し分詞構文にすれば、誰が明白になる。
I think that being exposed to a lot of information, you will be able to connect to and think about it, which will lead to mass production of more ideas.

you will connect to and think about it

    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2021/01/17 12:32
