

(1) It seems that something is burning in the oven.

Something seems ( ) ( ) ( ) in the oven.

(2) I want them to do this work as soon as possible.

I want this work ( ) ( ) ( ) as soon as possible.

(3) Bill was very proud that he had won the race

Bill was very proud of ( ) ( ) the race.

(4) When I was making a speech, I was afraid that I might be laughed at.

When I was making a speech, I was afraid of ( ) ( ) ( ).

A 回答 (2件)

(1) It seems that something is burning in the oven.

Something seems (to) (be) (burning) in the oven.

* seem to 不定詞を用いた単文への変換

(2) I want them to do this work as soon as possible.
I want this work (to) (be) (done) as soon as possible.

* this work を目的語に据えた受身の構文

(3) Bill was very proud that he had won the race
Bill was very proud of (having) (won) the race.

* 過去完了時制の節を動名詞句に変換

(4) When I was making a speech, I was afraid that I might be laughed at.
When I was making a speech, I was afraid of (being) (laughed) (at).

* 受動態動名詞句への変換
    • good
    • 1

to be burning

to be done
having won
being laughed at
    • good
    • 2
