
The Western world has traditionally been inspired by the ideal of man's boldly pitting himself against the impersonal forces of nature and of eventually subduing them for his convenience ー an ideal realized with such success in our own century that, paradoxically, not only man's comfort but his survival as a species is imminently threatened.

この文における that の役割がわかりません。
that 節でもなさそうですし、指示語というわけでもなさそうです。
この文における that は何のために、ここに置かれているのでしょうか?


A 回答 (1件)

... with success の success について

such ... that「とても...なので〜」「〜するくらい...」

so ... that の such 版です。
success が名詞なので so でなく such となります。

省略可能な that ではありますが。
    • good
    • 1
