
I’m a single woman with a large extended family. I cope with the enormous project of buying Christmas presents by getting them very early. Everyone in my family knows this; it’s the family joke that I have all my presents purchased by Halloween. My brother’s wife, Jean, sent out a group text last week saying they have decided not to exchange gifts with the extended family and would only be getting gifts for each other and their own kids. They have five kids, both together and via previous marriages, so I understand, but would have appreciated more notice. My mom asked what I was going to do, and I said I’d keep the gifts for the kids but return the ones I got for my brother and Jean. Unfortunately, my dad, the family bigmouth, overheard us and told my brother.

This weekend, Jean made a snide remark about how I didn’t understand the “true meaning of Christmas” and how I’m withholding their gifts simply because I’m not getting anything in return. In the moment, I snapped that she doesn’t get to spend my money for me, but on reflection I’m a little afraid she’s right.

it’s the family joke thatとI snapped thatはなぜthat節がとれるのでしょうか?決まりがあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (2件)

it’s the family joke that I have all my presents purchased by Halloween.

that節(私はハロウィンの前にプレゼントを全部買ってしまうということ)が主語ですが、長いので、とりあえず仮主語 it で言っておいて、真主語である that節は後から言うパターンです。

I snapped that she doesn’t get to spend my money for me.
that節(私に代わって私のお金を使うことは彼女にはできないということ)は、動詞 snapped (ピシャリと言った)の目的語になっています。
辞書で見ると、snap がthat節を目的語にとる用法は載っていないようなので、あまり正しくない言い方なのかもしれませんが、文章の構造や意味は見れば分かります。
    • good
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お礼日時:2018/06/18 02:03


He said, "I'm afraid."
He said that he's afraid.


It's the family joke, "she has all her presents purchased by Halloween."
It's the family joke that I have all my presents purchased by Halloween.

I snapped, "You don't get to spend my money for me."
I snapped that she doesn't get to spend my money for me.
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2018/06/22 09:25
