
問1 次の()のうち適切な方の語句を選びなさい。
①I had my purse(steal,stolen,stealing).
②Would you like me (help,to help,helping)you?
③They broke the door (open,to open,opend).
④I could not make myself (understand,understanding,understood)in English.
⑤I think the man (being good,to be good, will have been ).
問2 次の文の態を変えなさい。
①Some people saw him go out.
②She has been given lessens in vilion by an English lady.
③The children ought to observe these regulations.
④I will read you the next chapter tomorrow.
⑤Is English spoken in that country?

問3 次の各文①②③は日本語に訳しなさい。④⑤は仮定法を使って書きかえなさい。
①With a good teacher,you'd learn English easily.
②Were I you, I would do the some thing.
③You could succeed if you worked harder.
④I can't buy a car because I am not rich.
⑤As he did not work hard, he could not succeed.
問4 次の文の()の中に、必要ならば不定冠詞か定冠詞を入れなさい。
There is (①)park near my house.(②)children in my neighborhood often go to (③)park and play there. In spring (④)cherry trees in it bloom and we enjoy them. But on (⑤)winter day like today you see no leaves on them.
問5 次の文の()内に、不定代名詞を入れなさい。
①Sit on this a chair.I'll sit on that ().
②She told the children to help one().
③They were on good terms with each().
④I don't have ()brothers.

A 回答 (1件)

① stolen ② to help ③ to open

④ understood ⑤ to be good

① He was seen to go out by some
② An Englisgh lady has given her
lessons in violin.
③ These regulations ought to be
observed by the children.
④ The news chapter will be read
to you by me tomorrow.
⑤ Do they speak English in that country?

② もし私があなたなら、私はいくつかのことをするだろうに。(これ、問題
③ もっと一生懸命働けば、あなたは成功できるだろうに。
④ I could buy a car if I were rich.
⑤ If he had worked hard, he could
have succeeded.

① a ②不要 ③ the ④ the ⑤ 不要

① one ② another ③ other
④ any
    • good
    • 1
