
Q:What are the driving forces that will greatly change the world in the 21st century?
In the twenty-first century,the scienceand technology such as the research of space,of computer is developing.As the performance of computer is improved,AI is advanced and globalization is growing.Under such circumstances,I think that the recognition of the equilibrium of things is the great force that will change the world.
Everything has two opposite sides,positive and negative.In today's world,where diversity has been questioned,globalization frequently causes human beings to complicate simple things or to create one correct answer through majority votes and comparisons from both sides.In other words,globalization forces people away from their individual truths,and can even deprive them of their freedom.
Science which gives us convenience saves people.However,it also makes us neglect our obsession and consideration of things.In short,it makes us look away from the negative problems which things originally have,and increases the escape routes.
Recognizing equilibrium can also be translated into feeling harmony,accepting all things,and creating love.It removes the boundaries between positive and negative raises questions from various point of view about things,and is the key to solving them when we need.
The bottom line is that the ability to recognize the equilibrium of things is the power to change the world greatly.


  • 違います。私が英作したので、その文章が伝わっているのか、何か分からないことや間違っている事があれば教えて貰いたいです。

    No.1の回答に寄せられた補足コメントです。 補足日時:2022/08/19 21:24

A 回答 (2件)

一行めの質問が非常に曖昧ですが(過去問だとしても脈絡不明)、“the driving forces” というのであれば「複数個」必要でしょう。

あなたは結局四段落めに “the ability to recognize the equilibrium of things” 一つしか挙げていない。

二段落めに唐突に出てくる”globalization”が何を指すのかわからない。評価しているのかいないのかも不明瞭。二項対立を生みやすいものと考えているようだが、それだと “globalization frequently causes human beings to complicate simple things” にうまく接続しない。

三段落め”science”と(”globalization”と)の関係も分からない。”In short”とあるがその後の文のほうが長く、ショートしていない。

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お礼日時:2022/08/21 21:51


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