
XXX reserves the right to change its International Price List and/or discount structure from time to time. If XXX increases prices on its International Price List and/or decreases its discounts, such adjustment shall apply only to orders received from RESELLER after XXX has notified RESELLER of such adjustment. If XXX decreases prices on its International Price List and/or increases its discounts, (a) the adjustment shall apply to all units of Product that have not been shipped by XXX prior to the effective date of such adjustment, and (b) RESELLER shall receive a credit for units of Product still in RESELLER's inventory at the effective time of the adjustment if such units were purchased within the previous thirty (30) days. Such credit shall be to RESELLER's account for future purchase orders under this Agreement in an amount equal to the difference between the invoice price at which each such unit of Product was delivered to RESELLER and the current adjusted price/discount announced by XXX. Credit will be granted to the RESELLER upon its submission of a request to XXX listing serial numbers for the units of Products for which credit is sought, and upon validation by XXX that such units were in RESELLER's inventory. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any such credit must be claimed within thirty (30) days of a price and/or discount adjustment.

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お礼日時:2016/07/25 23:19
