
In Japanese onsen, do people bathe naked with other strangers? I feel uneasy bathing with strangers.

A 回答 (2件)

I am a staff member of a portal site introducing how to enjoy onsen ryokanwhere you can experience Japanese culture.

Below are answers to your questions. In Japan, people bathe naked without wearing towels or bathing suits.
You might feel uneasy at first, but I heard from many people that it was OK after a while.
You can enjoy many attractive experiences in onsen ryokan, so why don't you give it a try.
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Also, if you stay atryokanwith chartering private bath, or rooms with private onsen bath, you can enjoy bathing privately.
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Yes we do. You have to avoid going to public baths.

In hot springs, many places offer private bath for you with extra charge.
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