

(1) Bad weather () me to stay in London for three more days.

①made ②compelled ③checked ④prevented

(2) I am glad () you the other day.

①that I can meet ②to meet ③to have met
④to be able to meet

(3) () control her self, she burst into tears at the news.

①Being ②In unabling ③Unabling to ④Unable to

(4) It is obvious () you are trying to do.

①how ②if ③that ④what

(5) As () as gun control goes, I think we definitely need to make some changes, or else crimes and accidents involving guns will continue to increase in the U.S.

①far ②long ③much ④well

(6) Come what (), I'm determined not to talk about this.

①can ②may ③should ④will

(7) I can't imagine her () in New York.

①to work ②to be working ③working ④work

(8) He is not a scholar so () as a winter.

①far ②long ③much ④fast

(9) In japan, on St.Valentine's Day, women are supposed to ().

①give chocolate who they love
②give chocolate whom they love
③give chocolate to those they love
④give chocolate to which they love

(10) Paul left his book at home again. He's so ().

①forgetful ②forgettable ③forgetting ④forgotten

(11) A : "Fine day!"
B : "Yes! A bit cold, ()."

①though ②although ③but ④yet

(12) 彼女は今ダイエットをしています。

She is () a diet now.

①at ②though ③in ④on

(13) We're () a difficult situation. What shall we do?

①on ②in ③to ④from

A 回答 (1件)

1. 2

2. 3
3. 4
4. 4
5. 1
6. 2
7. 3
8. 3
9. 3
10. 1
11. 1
12. 4
13. 2
    • good
    • 0
