
Today is holiday because yesterday is public holiday. Today, I watched videos on YouTube and studied English. I wish I had studied more. I will do it tomorrow. Recently I am addicted to claire's videos. Claire is so cute. But I can not see Claire's movies in Japanese subtitles so it may not understand the content. So I would like to be able to understand absolute English soon.

A 回答 (4件)

hitumabusi2017さんが "「動画を観て勉強した→時間が足りなくてもっと勉強したかった→明日も勉強をしよう」の流れでしたら"

と仰っておりましたが、私は 「もっと英語を一生懸命勉強していれば 日本語の字幕が なくとも もっと
映画の内容が理解できたのに。そうだ、明日から 英語を勉強しよう。」という流れだと解釈しましたが、どうでしょう。私の解釈に近ければ、仮定法過去の構文が使えますね。あと、悔しい気持ちは regretを使って言えます。

recentlyの指摘は hitumabusi2017さんの仰る通りです。
recentlyを使う場合は 現在完了か過去形ですね。
ただ、現在形を使うなら もっと簡単に nowに置き換えればいいです。

それと、「把握」に関しては 英語よりも日本語の問題かと。「掌握」と混用されることも多いので、
人などを掌握する場合は get hold ofです。
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I wish I had studied more.
I wish I had studied harder.

I wish I had は「過去に○○をしてればよかった」と悔やんでいることなので「動画を観てた→○○をしてればよかった→明日やろうと思う」と言う流れは変です。


I watched videos on YouTube and studied English. I hardly understood anything. I wish I had studied more. I will study more tomorrow.


I watched videos on YouTube and studied English. I was not able to study as much as I wanted to. I will study more tomorrow.


Recently I am addicted
Recently I am crazy

Recently I am 形容詞 だと矛盾が生じてしまうのでご注意ください。

"recently" は「過去最近に」と言う意味なので「私は夢中です」と言う今の状態の説明とあわせると意味がおかしくなります。「過去最近に私は今夢中です」ではなく「過去最近に私は夢中になりました」と過去最近にそう言う状態になりました (have become) なら意味が成り立つので使えます。

so I hardly grasp the gist

日本の方は "grasp"「把握」を使うことを好みますが日本語の「把握」と使う場所が違うので使い方を把握するまでは "grasp"「摑む、握る」 を使わないことをお勧めします。
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>Today is holiday because yesterday is public holiday.

Today is a substitute holiday, because the public holiday fell on Sunday yesterday.

> I wish I had studied more.
I wish I had studied harder.

> I will do it tomorrow.
I intend to do it tomorrow.

>Recently I am addicted to claire's videos.
Recently I am crazy about claire's videos.

> But I can not see Claire's movies in Japanese subtitles so it may not understand the content.
But unfortunately Japanese subtitles aren't available in Claire's movies, so I hardly grasp the gist.

>So I would like to be able to understand absolute English soon.
Therefore I hope absolutely I will soon manage to understand English.

あえて解説は省きましたが、疑問点があれば なんなりと仰ってください。
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>Today is holiday because yesterday is public holiday.

I had today off because yesterday was a public holiday.

>Today, I watched videos on YouTube and studied English.
>I wish I had studied more. I will do it tomorrow.


上記の「(過去に)もっと勉強すれば良かった」が何故唐突にそう言う話になるのかがわかりませんでした。本当に「もっと勉強すれば良かった」と言いたかったのか本当は「もっと勉強したかった」と言いたかったのか。後者であれば "I wish I had more time to study." のほうがわかりやすいです。

>Recently I am addicted to claire's videos.

Recently I have become addicted to Claire's videos.

>Claire is so cute. But I can not see Claire's movies in Japanese subtitles so it may not understand the content.

Claire is so cute. But her videos do not have Japanese subtitles so I may not be understanding the content.

>So I would like to be able to understand absolute English soon.

So I would absolutely like to be able to understand English soon.
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