
・I would often walk to school with my friends when I was an elementary school student.

・We were the same class while we were grade 5.

・but we have not talked with since we graduate from junior high school school.

A 回答 (1件)

・I would often walk to school with my friends when I was an elementary school student.


・We were the same class while we were grade 5.
the same class の前に前置詞が要ります。
5年生の意味なら grade 5 ではなく、fifth graders とか in the fifth grade が普通です。
We were in the same class when we were fifth graders.

・but we have not talked with since we graduate from junior high school.
but は接続詞なので、文と文をつないで1つの文章にするときに使います。
we have not talked だけで「私たちは話していない」になります。with は不要。
卒業したのは過去のことだから、過去形で graduated と言うのが正しいです。
However, we have not talked since we graduated from junior high school.
    • good
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