
至急!それぞれの問題、上下の( )内に同じ語が入るように埋めてください!

⑴・Why didn't you ( ) your promise?
・You should ( ) this a secret. Don't tell anybody.

⑵・They ( ) excited when they saw the shooting star.
・My aunt ( ) me this pair of shoes yesterday.

⑶・The population of this country will ( ) by 3 % within five years .
・As we ( ) older, our memory becomes worse.

⑷・Laura ( ) her mother a nice gift in an online shop.
・I ( ) this TV program amazing.

A 回答 (1件)

1 keep ; keep one's promise / keep + O + C

2 got ; get + C / get + O (=人)+ O (=物)

3 grow ; =increase の grow / grow + C

4 found ; find + O (=人)+ O (=物)/ find + O + C
    • good
    • 10
