


Thanks for contacting eBay. I understand that you would like to know if the negative feedback you received can be removed as you have placed a wrong price for your item and have tired to work things out with your buyer. I’d be glad to help you.

Based on my careful review of your transaction, apparently we cannot remove the negative feedback of your buyer. We have set guidelines on the appropriate use of our Feedback system, and your customer has followed them. That doesn’t mean we agree with what they've said, nor does it mean that we don’t appreciate your business.

On the other hand, you still have two options with the feedback, you can try to work things out with the buyer and see if he is willing to revise his feedback from positive to negative. If your buyer will agree, you can send him a feedback revision request here then we will send him a notification to change his feedback to positive.

However, if the buyer will not agree, what I would recommend is that you reply on the feedback and express your side of the story. This way, your future buyers will know what are the things you have done on your transaction and how you have work things out with your buyer. You can leave a reply here .  

Sometimes, it can be really difficult to see past your emotional reaction to getting bad Feedback especially for this transaction to which you had spent time resolving the issue with your buyer. It’s easy to get caught up in the fact that someone said they don’t like the way you did something or it was a not a good buying experience from you, and react to it personally, but doing this can cost you an opportunity to become more profitable and better your business.

That is what Feedback does. It’s a tool that lets you monitor how well you are doing based on Feedback from your customers. It can be painful to use sometimes, and certainly not everything you come across will be useful, but if you use it correctly, you can identify where your business isn’t succeeding or where it could be better and make changes to be more streamlined and profitable.

Thanks for choosing eBay.   We value your business.

A 回答 (3件)





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バイヤーは eBay の方針に則っているので、ネガティブ・フィードバックは取り消せない。

バイヤーが言うことに賛同するわけでもないけれども、あなたがバイヤーと話をして取り消してくれるように持っていくか、それがうまくいかないようなら、このフィードバックにあなた側の弁論で答えることをお勧めしますと言っています("what I would recommend is that you reply on the feedback and express your side of the story.")。

フィードバックシステムは、時にはこのようにマイナスになるけれども、そこから学んでよりよいセラーになるための勉強材料として使えるものだとも("It’s a tool that lets you monitor how well you are doing based on Feedback from your customers.")。

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