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"stan" (スタァン) は

"sta(lker) - (f)an" の2つの単語が共通母音 "a" でくっついて出来た合成語です。

"s(talker) - fan" ( スファン)にはならないようですよ。
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So what exactly does "stan" mean, really? According to Urban Dictionary, "stan" is a portmanteau of the words "stalker" and "fan," and refers to someone who is overly obsessed with a celebrity. Pretty straightforward, right? "Stan" is no "on fleek," and for that I am grateful.

In addition to being easy to use, "stan" comes in handy all the time. A whole new world of (incorrectly) accusing people in my life of being more obsessive than me has opened up: "Ugh, Mom, you're such a stan for Masterpiece Theater!" "Ugh, Dad, stop stanning for Bob Dylan already!"
Ah yes, this slang I like.

Well, guys, in this case, you can thank Eminem (bet that's a sentence you never thought you'd hear). In 2000, the rapper released "Stan" as the third single off his award-winning album The Marshall Mathers LP. The song, about an obsessive fan named Stan who kills his pregnant girlfriend and then himself after Eminem refuses to answer his letters, topped the charts in Australia and the UK; it didn't do too badly in the U.S., either.

Soon after, "Stan" began being used to describe people who go above and beyond the average loyalty of most fans. I think my favorite online definition thus far is, "Basically it describes someone who is all up on their favorite artist's schlong, and can't take criticism or the slightest negative about said artist." Makes sense; I definitely know a few stans like this.

Oh, and yes, in the official music video, Stan is played by Devon Sawa, aka Casper the Friendly Ghost, aka my first celebrity crush. I'm upset on so many levels by this revelation.

https://www.bustle.com/articles/94986-what-does- …

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お礼日時:2020/08/27 21:30

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