
When Trump left the White House for the last time as president, I felt that the world would be much safer without him and I said to myself If I never see him again, it’ll be too soon.

A 回答 (4件)


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> If I never see him again, it’ll be too soon.


"If I _never_ see him again"は"If I _ever_ see him again"をモジったもので、「もしも永遠の時間(never)の後に彼とまた会うとしても(永遠に会うことはないとしても)、それでも早すぎる。二度と彼にはお目に掛かりたくない。」という意味になります。
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"If I never see him again, it’ll be too soon" ですが、If ~ never~ again, it’ll be too soon. の形の文は時々見聞きしましが、前文でnever と言っているのに後文で it'll be too soon というのは理屈に合いませんが、それくらい never だということを強調する言い方です。言葉というのは理屈に合わない言い方をすることがあります。
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No. 2の補足

Used to describe that a person does not ever want to see another person ever again. Since 'never' means an infinite amount of time in this case, even if 'never' was waited (technically cannot be since it is infinite) it wouldn't be long enough.
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