
I have been with my boyfriend, Nick, for 10 years. We have been through a lot. We have a 3-year-old son, and Nick's mom passed away shortly after his birth. Nick now tells me he doesn't want to watch our son, that he wants his time for himself. All I need is for him to watch him one day a week while I'm at work. My family helps the other days.

I have a good job, which Nick wants me to leave and move across the country with him. I feel it would be a mistake to move before our cars are paid off and our son is in school, which will all happen in a year. It just seems logical, so we won't have someone we don't know watching our kid, especially because I can't predict when Nick will be in dad mode and want to watch him.

Nick says he doesn't want to wait and he's threatening to go without me. He said he didn't sign up for kids in the first place.
https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvi …

our cars are paid offは「私たちの車のローンが払い終わる」でしょうか?あと、It just seems logical, so we won't have someone we don't know watching our kid,の和訳を教えてください。あと、sign up for kidsとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (3件)


He said he didn't sign up for kids in the first place. の訳ですが、


sign up for
・You must submit an application to the office and sign up for an audition day and time. : 事務所に申込書を提出してオーディションの日時に申し込む[名前を登録する]必要がある。
・You should read a fine print before you sign up for anything. : 何かを契約する前にはいつも(小さい字で書かれた)詳細規定事項を読むべきである。
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お礼日時:2021/09/07 16:49

①our cars are paid offは「私たちの車のローンが払い終わる」でよいと思います。

②It just seems logical, so we won't have someone we don't know watching our kid,は
③sign up for kidsは「子供を認知する」という意味だと思いますが、日本の戸籍制度ではないので用語は不明です。
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お礼日時:2021/09/07 16:49


>our cars are paid offは「私たちの車のローンが払い終わる」でしょうか?

>It just seems logical, so we won't have someone we don't know watching our kid は、
    • good
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お礼日時:2021/09/07 09:18
