

A 回答 (5件)

そのような状況であれば obstruction of police business, obstruction of offical business が良いとおもいます。

obstruction of justice は証拠隠滅とか虚偽証言など公正な裁判を妨害する時にもっぱら使う言葉です。

If you kick me again, I'll arrest you for obstructing police business.

obstructing police business が実際使われている例を見つけました。
https://www.dailyadvocate.com/2015/12/14/four-ar …
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No. 4 の "arrested for interfereing with public duties" という表現がニュース記事で使われている用例。

Ray ★was arrested for interfering with public duties★ and assault of a public servant, according to the sheriff's office.
(アメリカ ABC の、テキサスでの事件についての記事)
https://abc7chicago.com/sheriff-lays-on-top-of-t …
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If you ever kicked me again, you'd be arrested for interfering with public duties.
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AI に訊いてみたら:

「If you kick me next time, I will arrest you for obstruction of official duties」だそうです。
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If you kick me again, I'll arrest you for obstruction of justice.

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