

(1) His father, [①brought] up on the old saying that early bed and early to rise [②would give] health, wealth, and wisdom, [③insisting] that his son [④go] to bed earlier.

(2)We [①tend] to complain [②that] airlines seats [③being] too small and international fights [④lasting] far too long.

(3) One thing that [①adds to] the fear of speaking in front of large audience is [②the dread people] have that something awful, or [③publicly] [④humiliated] will happen to them.

(4) No writer [①ever] puts down anything on [②paper] that he or she knows [③for] certain [④it] is good or bad.

(5) ["①The single most important job] of the President" , Bush [②reminded of ] audiences [③time and again] "is [④the national] security of the United States".

(6) Wounde [①by] an assassin's bullet while [②he was watching] a play at the Ford Theater, [③death came to Lincoln] [④a few hours] after being shot.

(7) It [①wasn't] [②until] I came to Japan that I realized [③so] crowded the cities [④were].

(8) New research [①led by] economists at the University of Warwick [②has revealed that] it's how rich your father is [③and not] what you can do [④that matter].

A 回答 (1件)

(1) [③insisting] → insists か insisted

(2) これは本当に意味のない問題です。
complain that でもいいのですが、後は節で、ing でなく、
are / last という現在形であるべき。
2つ ing があるので、どちらも間違いとはできない。
だから、ing は正しくなるように、that の方を of とする。


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