


In this world of deep interdependent relationships, () instantly.

①abroad ②countries ③does ④is ⑤Japan ⑥known ⑦other ⑧whatever

(2) 急な商用で、彼はパリに行った。(6語)

①business ②carried ③he ④him ⑤Paris ⑥to ⑦urgent ⑧went

(3) 目を覚ますと、ケイトが私を見つめていた。(8語)

①and ②at ③awoke ④find ⑤I ⑥Kate ⑦me ⑧staring ⑨to

(4) アンが誰をサムに推薦するとフレッドは思っているの?(9語)

①Ann ②does ③Fred ④recommend ⑤Sam ⑥think ⑦to ⑧will ⑨who?

(5) 青少年を取り巻く環境には厳しいものがあるのが事実だ。(9語)

( ) are formidably harsh.

①conditions ②denying ③is ④no ⑤people ⑥surrounding ⑦that ⑧there ⑨young

A 回答 (3件)

1 whatever Japan does is known abroad

2 Urgent business carried him to Paris.

3 I awoke to find Kate staring at me.

4 Who does Fred think Ann will recommend to Sam?

5 There is no denying that conditions surrounding young people
    • good
    • 0


    • good
    • 0

(1) Whatever Japan does is known abroad

(2)Urgent business carried him to Paris.

(3)I awoke to find Kate staring at me.

(4)Who does Fred think Ann will recommend Sam to?

(5)There is no denying that conditions surrounding young people
    • good
    • 0
