

It is important to praise our children, but it's even more important to be sincere in our praise. The way parents behave on the sidelines of the athletic field often tells a lot about what qualities they value. Some parents make it clear by the way they behave that to them winning is everything.

Nine-year-old Robby has gone out for Little League. He's not a great athlete, but he enjoys playing and he's learning some important physical as well as social skills through his participation in the sport. Most of the time he tries hard and does reasonably well. However, one day during a game against another team, his heart doesn't seem to be in it. Robby's mother is standing on the sideline. frantically screaming for his team to win. Her cheering is particularly intense whenever Robby is up at bat or a ball is coming way in the outfield. The more she screams, the more nervous he seems to become.

After the game, which his team loses, his mother says. "It's all right, you know. You tried," but after the way she behaved throughout the game, and because of her tone of voice, Robby knows she doesn't really mean it.

There will always be times when we will be disappointed in our children. However, what is most important is how our children feel about their own efforts. When things don't go well, and kids know it, we need to try to hide our disappointment. What Robby needs is a big hug and reassurance from his mom that she's on his side. no matter who wins.

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お礼日時:2017/08/19 13:49
