

How do you say in japanese

bimestral test (a test every two months)
trimestral test (a test every three months)
semestral test (a test every six months)
at school?

Is there a correspondent term in japanese?


Thank you in advance.

A 回答 (1件)

Hi, I don't think we have those terms in Japanese since our school schedule is a little different. Most elementary school and great part of junior high, and high school uses trimester system.

Regardless of semister system or trimester system, for each semister, we often have mid-term exams, called chukan-test (中間テスト), and final exams called kimatsu-test (期末テスト). On trimester system we do not have mid-term, only year-final exam, called gakunen-matsu kosa(学年末考査). Other than those tests, we have unit exams called tangen-test(単元テスト).
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Thank you very much for your answer! I see!!ありがとうございます。

お礼日時:2022/08/22 16:32
