
College is (a place) where you are given the opportunity to expand your horizons.


関係副詞の先行詞の省略は、the placeと習ったのですが、a placeと不定冠詞の場合もできるのですかね?

whenに対して「a time」なども行けますかね?

もしかしたら「the places」や「times」も

A 回答 (2件)

(1) Welcome to "The Science Lab", ★a place where★ football facts and in-depth analysis always triumph over feelings.

(アメリカの Dallas Cowboys についてのニュース記事)
https://www.dallascowboys.com/news/science-lab-c …

(2) The visit is a sign that China and the Gulf region are deepening their economic relations at ★a time when★ US-Saudi ties have crumbled over OPEC’s decision to slash crude oil supply.
(アメリカの CNN という放送局によるニュース記事)
https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/08/economy/china …

(3) There ★are times when★ being listed gets in the way. You need to announce earnings every quarter ...
(報道機関 Reuters)
https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/softbank-c …

(4) That is, customer segmentations allowed us to identify ●the places where● the experiment worked well, so we could produce an uplift in those places while preventing damage in ★the places where★ the experiment did not pay off.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscounc …

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