

1) heath
2) villiany
3) brandish
4) valiant
5) direful
6) valor
7) vantage
8) furbish
9) bark
10) prophetic
11) wrought
12) repentance
13) recompense
14) plenteous
15) thane
16) harbinger
17) commendation
18) chastise
19) impede
20) battlement
21) access
22) jutty
23) frieze
24) buttress
25) dignity
26) grace
27) trammel
28) shoal
29) gloss
30) adage
31) chamberlain
32) mettle

A 回答 (2件)


それで見つからない物は、海外のweb search engineでその単語を検索すれば山のように例文が見つかると思いますよ。

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1) heath

A lot of heaths are growing.

2) villiany
He did many villainy.

3) brandish
He brandishs the spear.

4) valiant
He is very valiant.

5) direful
The accident is very direful.

6) valor
What is needed for him is valor.

7) vantage
He is at a point of vantage.

8) furbish
He furbish up his French.

9) bark
The dog is barking.

10) prophetic
She is always prophetic of her own future.

11) wrought
This is wrought iron.

12) repentance
She has repentance for her crime.

13) recompense
He recompensed me for my loss.

14) plenteous
There are plenteous foods.

15) thane
He is an offspring of a thane.

16) harbinger
Frost is a harbinger of winter.

17) commendation
He got a commendation from the general.

18) chastise
She chastises her child.

19) impede
Illness impede his progress in study.

20) battlement
She looks up battlements.

21) access
He is easy of access.

22) jutty
The pier juts out into the lake.

23) frieze
He looks at the frieze.

24) buttress
She is a buttress of the constitution.

25) dignity
He is a man of dignity.

26) grace
She danced with grace.

27) trammel
He was bothered by the trammel of etiquette.

28) shoal
The ship striked on a shoal.

29) gloss
She likes the gloss of silk.

30) adage
She knows a lot of adages.

31) chamberlain
His father is a chemberlain.

32) mettle
She tried his mettle.
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