
前に出てきた内容をうけるit と that の使い分け方ってありますか。
Tell me more about it. と Tell me more about that. の違い。
It sounds nice. と That sounds nice. の違い。

A 回答 (2件)

簡単に言いますと、it は全体的、that は部分的なことを指しています。

たとえば車の話をしていたとします。たとえばあなたがあまり詳しく知らないために、相手にもっといろいろ教えてほしい時に、Tell me more about it. もし車の話から特定のメーカー、たとえばトヨタの話になった時に、Tell me more about that. That はトヨタを示しています。

It sounds nice. は一般的に、それいいね、みたいな感じです。
一方で That sounds nice. といいますと、話題にしている特定の事を指しています。強調したいときに that を使えばいいと思います。
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お礼日時:2009/03/08 01:35

Practical English Usage (Oxford大学出版)からの抜粋です。

This, that and it can all be used to refer back to things that have been talked or written about earlier. The differences between them are not well understood, but the following suggestions may be useful.

1. things mentioned
All three words can be used in the sense of 'the thing or situation I have just mentioned’.

It does not give any special emphasis to the thing or situation.

So she decided to paint her house pink. It upset the
neighbors a bit.

This and that are more emphatic; they seem to suggest ‘an interesting new fact has been mentioned’.

So she decided to paint her house pink This/That really
upset the neighbors, as you can imagine.

This seems to be preferred when the speaker has more to say about a new subject of discussion.

So she decided to paint her house pink. This upset the
neighbors so much that they took her court, believe it or
not. The case came up last week ……

Then in 1917 he met Andrew Lewis. This was a turning point
in his career: the two men entered into a partnership which
lasted untill 1946, and....
(more natural than.... Thas was a turning point...)
    • good
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引用ありがとうございます。It は特に強調しないとき、This や That は強調プラスさらに言いたいことがあるとき、ということですね。これからは意識して使ってみたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

お礼日時:2009/03/08 00:59
