
That's random.の和訳を教えて下さい。

A 回答 (2件)


文語ですと文字通り、ランダムだ!となりますが、最近の若者は unusual, unexected といった同意で(ポジティブに)使う様です。

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お礼日時:2014/12/09 08:56

That's random


The word random is being used with a new meaning by young people in Britain (or in Edinburgh, anyway), as Miriam Meyerhoff first pointed out to me. The new meaning is nothing like "distributed according to chance". Young people will see a surprising thing and say, "Wow, that's random!".

I heard something like this the other day, from a student. (I think I rather frightened her by stopping her and her friend in the street and questioning her about the usage; but hey, she was right near the Dugald Stewart Building and the Informatics Forum in Edinburgh's central university district — she has to get used to the idea that the area is thick with people with research interests in language around here.)

I think the new meaning is something like "unexpected" or "unusual". But commenters who have native knowledge of teenage British dialects may supply further information below.

[I say they "may" supply further information. Did they ever. Comments confirming the new meaning, from all over the Anglophone world, started coming in instantly at one every sixty seconds, the fastest burst of commenting I have ever seen on Language Log. The recency illusion strikes again: I found the usage novel merely because I happened to have only just noticed it. It turns out to be a decade old at least. Eventually, after more than 60 comments, Jesse Sheidlower points out that the new sense is actually already in the Oxford English Dictionary! (I confess, I had not thought to check it, because I was in the grip of the recency illusion and thought it couldn't possibly be there yet!) —GKP]


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