
Now the bar is set at 2.24 meters. There were two jumpers for this height,but one of them already failed. Now American Dick Fosbury is on his third and last try. If he clears this height,he will get the gold medal and set a new Olympic record. The spectators are watching him anxiously and curiously. He has been using quite a strange style of jumping.
Now he has started running to the bar. His head,his shoulder,his back,and now his legs go over the bar! Yes! He did it! The spectators are giving him a standing ovation. Congratulations,Dick Fosbury,the new Olympic high jump champion!

Fosbury was born in Oregon in 1947. He was only 16 when he started using his new technique. He was having trouble learning the standard technique called the straddle. His legs just weren’t strong enough. Having rather skinny legs,Fosbury was searching for an alternative way to raise his body as high as possible. He found the answer in his Fosbury Flop. It gradually helped him to break his own record. In 1964, the Fosbury Fiop attracted media attention,but it was mainly for it strange style. People didn’t realize its potential yet. One newspaper captioned his picture,”World’s Laziest High Jumper”

Even after Fosbury won the gold medal in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics,the Fosbury Flop was still considered a dangerous way of jumping. Four years later,in the Munich Olympics,however,28 of the 40 high jump competitors used this new technique. Today it used by almost all high jumpers.
Fosbury himself is quite modest about his achievements. He said,”I was able to win the gold medal since I was supported and encouraged by my coach and teammates.” After returning from Mxico,Fosbury decided to become an engineer.”It was not a difficult decision at all. I was quite satisfied since I achieved more than what I had expected.”

A 回答 (1件)


さあ、彼がバーに向かって走り出しました。頭、肩、背中、そして今足がバーを超えました! やりました! 観客がスタンディング・オベーションで彼をたたえています。おめでとう、ディック・フォスベリー、新しいオリンピック走り高跳びチャンピオンの誕生です!


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