

(1) You have probably read or heard about charges of plagiarism in disputes [①in a publishing and recording industries.] You may also have had [②classroom discussions about student plagiarism] in particular and [③academic dishonesty in general.] Many schools have developed guidelines or procedures [④regarding plagiarism]. Honor codes and other means to promote academic integrity are also common.

(2)Derived from the Latin word plagiarius ("kidnapper"), plagiarism [①refers a form of cheating] [②that has been defined as] "the false assumption of authorship:[③the wrongful act of] taking the product of another person's mind, [④and presenting it as ]one's own" .

A 回答 (1件)

(1) ① in publishing and recording industries

in a publishing industry + in a recording industry

(2) ① refers to (~のことを指す、~のことをいう;refer は自動詞)

** 他動詞としての refer は refer (A) to (B) という形になり、訳は色々ありますが、基本的には「(A)を(B)のところへ持っていく」というような意味をもっています。
    • good
    • 0
