
I’m 35. I’ve never shared with friends except in passing. It’s making me tear up at work right now. I keep imagining small, safe ways to carve out space to pursue my ambitions, but always in a way that gives me outside validation, like a class where a teacher can tell me that I’m doing it right.


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outside validation は external validation とも言ったりしますが、外部の人に自分がやっていることが正しいかどうか検証してもらうことを意味します。

I keep imagining 以降を訳すとと『私は自分の野望を追求するための小さい安全なスペースを作り出す方法を想像し続けているが、それは常に、学校の先生が私が正しい方法でやっていると言ってくれる教室のような、外部の人が正しいかどうかを確かめてくれるような方法においてだ。』
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The thing is, I’ve had supposedly great nights like this many times with guys who simply disappear the next day or fade away quickly, so I don’t put much stock in them anymore in order to protect myself. Perhaps because he’s older than most of the guys I date, or just genuinely likes me for once, this guy did not fade away, texting me every day and following through with our dinner plans. He even called me (CALLED ME — me, a phone-averse millennial) to confirm details before, and the conversation was so easy and normal that I wanted to vomit a little afterward (“Might this be something?”)

Cue the date. The first half-hour was weirdly tense, missing that relaxed vibe from the weekend prior.

Cue the dateの意味をよろしくお願いします

お礼日時:2017/10/20 02:18


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お礼日時:2017/10/20 02:19
