
下記の和訳「maintain」は「保持」ですか、それか「維持」ですか。全部は同じ語彙で使いますか? (外国人です)

1) unfairly maintains the scheme
1) 策略を不公正に保持・維持する

2) to maintain the suspects' dignity and pretrial liberties
2) 被疑者の尊厳と公判前の自由を保持・維持するため

3) Plaintiff's will to defend his innocence would have been maintained.
3) 自身が無実であることを防御する原告の意思は保持・維持されていただろう。

A 回答 (1件)

1) unfairly maintains the scheme

1) 策略を不正に擁護する

2) to maintain the suspects' dignity and pretrial liberties
2) 被疑者の尊厳と公判前の自由を維持するため

3) Plaintiff's will to defend his innocence would have been maintained.
3) 無実を主張する目的の原告の意思は擁護されていただろう。
    • good
    • 1


Yeah... I don't know about 擁護. That's more like 'protect'. I suppose indirectly that is correct however here's it's more about maintaining. その状態、そのままを続くこと

I'm going to have to think about this.

thanks, I always learn a lot through your replies :o)

お礼日時:2018/02/09 13:42
