

User agreement

Would you like a more personalised experience?

This app uses Ogury's technology to provide users with a personalised advertising experience. Ogury needs your permission to collect certain information from your device.

The information Ogury will collect includes your device identifiers, location, email address, installed apps list and usage statistics, IP addresses (and in some cases URLs) contacted by your device and app crash reports.

Ogury shares this information with its group companies and partners in order to select and show you personalised adverts.

For a full description of how Ogury collects, uses and protects your information, see Ogury's Privacy Statement.

By clicking “I accept” below, you consent to Ogury's collection of your information for personalised advertising purposes (through this app and other apps or websites containing Ogury technology) and confirm that you are over 18 years of age. You can change your mind and opt-out at any time

We hope that you wish to help us improve your experience. If yes, please click on “I accept”.

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