
次の文の( )内の語を正しい形に変えてください。
①My aunt ( die ) last year.
② I will not go if it ( rain ) tomorrow.
③ I have one brother, but he ( have ) two brothers.
④ Frank often ( miss ) the train because he gets up too late.
⑤ Can't you be more quiet? I ( try ) to study now.

① Shall I help you?
② Shall we go on a hike ?
③ Will you be busy tomorrow?
④ Will you pass me the salt?
⑤ Won't you have another cup of tea?
ア Here you are.
イ No, I won't.
ウ No, thank you
エ Yes, let's.
オ Yes, please do.

次の文の( )内の語を正しい形に変え, 日本語に訳してください。
① Let's wait till the rain ( stop ).
② My father ( return ) home from America tomorrow.
③ When he came in,I ( sit ) on the sofa.

次の日本語に合うように( )内に適当な語を答えてください。
①私は昨日, 夕食後テレビを1時間見ました。
I ( ) TV ( ) an hour ( ) supper yesterday.
( ) you ( ) tennis this ( )?
③夏休みには, 山へ行く予定だ。
I ( ) planning ( ) ( ) to the mountain during the coming summer vacation.

A 回答 (1件)

次の文の( )内の語を正しい形に変えてください。

①My aunt ( died ) last year.
② I will not go if it ( rains ) tomorrow.
③ I have one brother, but he ( has ) two brothers.
④ Frank often ( misses ) the train because he gets up too late.
⑤ Can't you be more quiet? I ( am trying ) to study now.

① Shall I help you? ウ
② Shall we go on a hike ? エ
③ Will you be busy tomorrow? イ
④ Will you pass me the salt? ア
⑤ Won't you have another cup of tea? オ
ア Here you are.
イ No, I won't.
ウ No, thank you
エ Yes, let's.
オ Yes, please do.

次の文の( )内の語を正しい形に変え, 日本語に訳してください。
① Let's wait till the rain ( stops ).
② My father ( will return ) home from America tomorrow.
③ When he came in,I ( was sitting ) on the sofa.

次の日本語に合うように( )内に適当な語を答えてください。
①私は昨日, 夕食後テレビを1時間見ました。
I (watched) TV for) an hour (after) supper yesterday.
(Will) you (play) tennis this (afternoon)?
③夏休みには, 山へ行く予定だ。
I (am) planning (to) (go) to the mountain during the coming summer vacation.
    • good
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