
Stonehenge, for example, one of the first archaeological discoveries, was especially critical for providing an understanding about a now-extinct ancient society, for which no written records or documentation exist.

上述の文章の for which の forはどこから出てきたものでしょうか?文法的な説明をしていただけるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

A 回答 (1件)

>>a now-extinct ancient society, ★for which★ no written records or documentation exist

No written records or documentation exist ●for● the now-extinct ancient society.

上のような英文が著者の頭の中にあったと考えればいいのです。この now-extinct ancient society を前に持ってくれば、

(1) a now-extinct ancient society, which no written records of documentation exist for
(2) a now-extinct ancient society, for which no written records of documentation exist

この二通りの英文が書けますが、今回は (2) を著者は選んだのです。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2021/08/19 13:59
