
1: Do humans need tears for their graduation ceremony?
2: A person who holds a funeral on a large scale is a good person. Is this correct?
3: Should the death penalty be abolished?
4: If mankind could achieve immortality, would you like to follow that trend?
5: What would happen to the Kouhaku Uta Gassen if the NiZi Project had a magnification of 10x?
6: Physics claims that e = mc ^ 2. If one 170 kg person explodes in front of Shibuya station, how many times will the temperature rise at the west exit of Yokohama station?

A 回答 (2件)

1: It depends, I don't really cry during the graduation ceremony, so I don't think it's needed.

2: The size doesn't matter in order to judge the person.

3: No.

4: Definitely not.

5: I don't watch Kouhaku so I don't know.

6: This is a math equation, so ask your teacher if you don't know how to solve it.
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