A 回答 (16件中1~10件)
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About the sun?
Why do you think you had two suns without science technology? ha?
- 回答日時:
Please let me rephrase your statement so that it flows more naturally:
If the Earth had two suns, mankind would not have been able to say "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening", or even "good night" until scientific technology advanced enough, because otherwise it would not have been possible to tell the time of day.
My response:
Whoever is writing this statement is underestimating the human race and have little understanding of history. As another person already pointed out, regardless of whether there is one sun, two suns, or even three suns (if such a thing is possible!), human race, as well as any other living creature, would have naturally figured out what time was good to wake up and what time was good to go to sleep.
Technological advancements do not dictate the time to wake up, be active, and go to sleep. Mankind as well as all other living things have been waking up, being active, and going to sleep without the help of technology. This is because all living things tire and need rest.
By nature, a living creature will move as necessary until feeling tired, and once tired, will rest or go to sleep. Humans, because we cannot see in the dark, naturally rested at night and was active during the day when there was light and we could see. Technology such as clocks and watches merely help to define what we have already been doing long before.
Even if there were two suns or two suns, there would be times when it becomes brighter or darker. Living creatures would likely choose the most naturally restful time to go to sleep.
Before there was society and mechanical devices to tell time, which we have had for a very long time anyway, people might have woken up at different times. However, once mankind started grouping up and creating societies, it likely benefited them to wake up and go to sleep around the same time. So whoever woke up at dawn might have woken up other people so they can do things together.
This pattern would not change regardless of the number of suns. To obtain a more specific answer, you would likely need to specify the exact hours in a day, what hours each of the suns rose, if there are moons, what hours are dark and what hours are bright, etc., etc.
So in a nutshell, the statement is too vague to have any real constructive response.
- 回答日時:
- 回答日時:
Better morning.
There are two suns. Make an elliptical motion around the center of gravity of each other so that one does not fall to the other. They are some double stars. One planet belonging to two suns is on a plane that intersects vertically at the center of gravity with the line segment connecting the two. There is no night. When the line segment connecting the two suns is separated and the axis of rotation of the planet is parallel to the line segment, the night becomes longer and longer. One day is the rotation period of the planet. Or the planet orbits outside the orbits of the two suns. It's far. Depending on the phase of the orbital period of the two suns. Good morning when two suns and one planet are on the same straight line. It is better morning when they are not on the same straight line.
- 回答日時:
- 回答日時:
Even if there are two suns, the earth revolves around the sun.
So there will definitely be a situation where the earth will be hidden from the other sun.
Can you understand?
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Would you like~?とWould you...
or を3つ以上続けるとき
・What sports do you like? ・W...
なぜWhat do you like colorで...
I'm like~、I was like~の使い方
like better like moreについて
look like と like の使い訳...
Would you like の後にtoがつく...
なぜ、Which do you like "bett...
What do you look like? の意味...
What subjects do you like?
It looks like + S + Vについて
I feel like you と I like yo...
I just want to...see you... ...
or を3つ以上続けるとき
・What sports do you like? ・W...
Would you like~?とWould you...
I'm like~、I was like~の使い方
なぜ、Which do you like "bett...
What do you look like? の意味...
look like と like の使い訳...
like better like moreについて
Would you like の後にtoがつく...
like as~とlike a~の用法の違...
I mean.... と I mean like....
丁寧な表現を教えて下さい"if y...
It looks like + S + Vについて