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Japan will not send Cabinet members or high-level officials to the Beijing Winter Olympics, joining a diplomatic boycott that will likely strain ties between the two Asian neighbors. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno announced the decision at a news conference on Dec. 24.

“We think it is important that freedom, respect for basic human rights and rule of law are guaranteed in China, too,” Matsuno said. “We have reasoned holistically regarding our response to the Beijing Games.”

However, Matsuno said that Yasuhiro Yamashita, chief of the Japanese Olympic Committee, as well as Seiko Hashimoto, president of the organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, will attend the Winter Games in China that will start in February. They were already scheduled to join the General Assembly meeting of the International Olympic Committee in Beijing around the same time.

The United States on Dec. 6 announced its diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games over reports of China’s forced labor of ethnic minorities and its repression of the Uighur minority in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

The Japanese government was stuck between its desire to emphasize its stance espousing human rights and its concerns over worsening relations with its largest trade partner, China. “For now, I want to carefully and comprehensively consider various circumstances to make a decision.” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at a news conference on Dec. 21.

Pressure on Kishida came from within. Lawmakers of both ruling and opposition parties urged the government not to send representatives to the Beijing Winter Games.

(The Asahi Shimbun Asia & Japan Watch〈2021年12月24日〉の記事参考:Japan decides against sending top officials to Beijing Games)
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