

A 回答 (5件)

"We don't have many Covid restrictions this year, so I'm gonna have a lot of fun with my friends during New Year holidays."

2点アドバイスします。遊ぶ、即 play としないように。コロナは英語圏では当初 Covid-19 でしたが、今では単純に Covidが普通です。
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this new year holiday, i'm finally having a lot of fun with frien

t concerning covid-19 restriction.
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For the coming New Year holidays, there will be no official constraints under COVID-19, so I'm going to have a lot of fun with friends.
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"You know? I'm gonna go out a lot, and have so much fun with my friends this new year, caz there are no more restrictions of COVID stuff any more!!"


文頭の "You know" を、
"Hey man~!(あのさ~!)" に変換し、
COVID を "fukin' COVID"(コロナのヤツ) 的に致しますと、

"COVID stuff" は "コロナ関係" 的な意味合いになります。
"stuff"→things とか incident (事柄、事由 などのスラングです) 又、

I gotta tell you, since there are no more regulations of COVID any more, I'm gonna go out a lot and having some good times, with my friends this new year, you know?

の様に、前後を入れ変えたsentence でも ok です。
文頭の I gotta tell you=you know です。
文末の You know は、女子が良く最後に、~なのよ~!
の可愛らしいイメージで呟くexpression です。

have funや have a good time

caz は、because の abbreviation で、口語的に使われますが、最近は sns 上でも良く使用されて居ります。

"I hope you have so much wonderful times this new year!!!♡"
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I can now spend more time with my friends during New Year’s due t

d restrictions Lowering down.
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